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Fel Taradiddle
It's an unassuming thing, but you'll be amazed at the damage it can do when...
Empirical Evidence
Under duress, a soul will say whatever they think you want to hear. Trust y...
Forensic Nightmare
We got a thousand bullets and only 999 casings. Find the odd one out.
Come to Pass
Always be mindful of the repeat offender.
Likely Suspect
Don't wrack your brain. The guilty party is usually the one holding the smo...
The Enigma
A weapon forged from an ancient memory, purpose-built for your hand.
Pointed Inquiry
Aim for the heart of the matter.
Father's Sins
It doesn't seem so heavy at first.
Welcome to hell on Earth… delivered at 250 feet per second!
Red Herring
Stay focused. If you try to run down every lead, you'll make your head expl...
Veritas Helm
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't mak...
Veritas Gauntlets
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like...
Veritas Plate
"You'll never know truth with real certainty. All you can do is hew away at...
Veritas Greaves
"Truth is a sunrise, kid. It's pretty and it fits great in poetry, but in t...
Veritas Mark
"The truth outlives us. You can put a bullet through my heart and win an ar...
Veritas Cowl
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't mak...
Veritas Grips
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like...
Veritas Vest
"You'll never know truth with real certainty. All you can do is hew away at...
Veritas Strides
"Truth is a sunrise, kid. It's pretty, and it fits great in poetry, but in ...
Veritas Cloak
"You need to seek truth out. It's small, and it's ugly, and it's easy to mi...
Veritas Hood
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't mak...
Veritas Gloves
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like...
Veritas Robe
"You'll never know truth with real certainty. All you can do is hew away at...
Veritas Boots
"Truth is a sunrise, kid. It's pretty and it fits great in poetry, but in t...
Veritas Bond
"Lies are manufactured. Truth grows naturally… with or without a gardener."...
Fundament Shell
The Last Midnight Star
Star Jasmine
The scent emerges as the sun sets, a testimony carried through warm summer ...