Excepcional / Intrinsic

El cuchillo contrapesado obtiene un segundo rebote. Los golpes rápidos de precisión con tus armas le dan al cuchillo contrapesado un gran bonus de daño, fuerza extra, y la habilidad de aturdir combatientes sin escudo durante un breve lapso.

El Cuchillo contrapesado potenciado es fuerte contra campeones [Tambaleo] imparables.

Community Research

Weighted Throwing Knife gains a second bounce with greatly increased tracking.

Scoring 3 Precision Hits within 2.5 seconds of each grants Strengthened Throwing Knife for 10 seconds.
Additional Precision Hits increase buff duration by 5 seconds each, up to 30 seconds.

Strengthened Throwing Knife:
• Grants 50 Strength while the buff is active
• Deals 200% [PVP: 100%] Increased Damage
• Stuns Unstoppable Champions
• Buff is consumed on Knife Hit
Last Updated 2023-06-08


Skittering Stinger

Skittering Stinger

Weighted Knife bounces twice and deals bonus damage.
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