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Iron Symmachy Helm
"If you lack the resolve, stand aside." —Lord Saladin Forge
Iron Symmachy Greaves
"The Temple is the foundation stone upon which we will rebuild humanity." —Lord Silimar
Iron Symmachy Greaves
"The Temple is the foundation stone upon which we will rebuild humanity." —Lord Silimar
Iron Symmachy Mark
"Why were we Risen if not to defend the helpless?" —Lord Radegast
Iron Symmachy Mark
"Why were we Risen if not to defend the helpless?" —Lord Radegast
Iron Symmachy Vest
"If your heart is not full of dread before a fight, you are no better than the Warlords." —Lord Ghel...
Iron Symmachy Vest
"If your heart is not full of dread before a fight, you are no better than the Warlords." —Lord Ghel...
Iron Symmachy Grips
"Never raise arms without reason." —Lady Efrideet
Iron Symmachy Grips
"Never raise arms without reason." —Lady Efrideet
Iron Symmachy Mask
"Cunning can topple strength any day. Hone yourself." —Lady Perun
Iron Symmachy Mask
"Cunning can topple strength any day. Hone yourself." —Lady Perun
Iron Symmachy Cloak
"Suffer no evil." —Lady Efrideet
Iron Symmachy Cloak
"Suffer no evil." —Lady Efrideet
Iron Symmachy Strides
"If you step to war, you'd best step with a plan." —Lady Perun
Iron Symmachy Strides
"If you step to war, you'd best step with a plan." —Lady Perun
Iron Symmachy Robes
"There's always that kernel of doubt. Ask yourself, what circumstances shaped my arrival here?" —Lor...
Iron Symmachy Robes
"There's always that kernel of doubt. Ask yourself, what circumstances shaped my arrival here?" —Lor...
Iron Symmachy Gloves
"Stretch toward your foes. Do not shrink away just because you do not understand them." —Lord Timur
Iron Symmachy Gloves
"Stretch toward your foes. Do not shrink away just because you do not understand them." —Lord Timur
Iron Symmachy Hood
"Every scrap of knowledge is a tool waiting to be weaponized." —Lord Timur
Iron Symmachy Hood
"Every scrap of knowledge is a tool waiting to be weaponized." —Lord Timur
Iron Symmachy Boots
"You must find ways to keep hold of yourself as the world burns around you." —Lady Skorri
Iron Symmachy Boots
"You must find ways to keep hold of yourself as the world burns around you." —Lady Skorri
Iron Symmachy Bond
"Who will sing your songs, if not you?" —Lady Skorri
Iron Symmachy Bond
"Who will sing your songs, if not you?" —Lady Skorri