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Kept Confidence
"One way or the other, I'll be there." —Drifter
Locus Locutus
Speak to remember, speak to forget.
The Eremite
Retreat to the mind.
Brya's Love
"Just promise me one thing… Don't look back." —Brya
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Interpret the signs.
Veiled Tithes Helm
Responsibility, taken in secret, proudly upheld.
Veiled Tithes Gauntlets
Blades swung, lessons learned.
Veiled Tithes Plate
Hope and hate share the same heart.
Veiled Tithes Greaves
Feet steady in the midst of the madness.
Veiled Tithes Mark
Shield against the whispering Deep.
Veiled Tithes Mask
Toiling in the dead of night.
Veiled Tithes Grips
Taking the sword in hand.
Veiled Tithes Vest
Feeling the fury in your chest.
Veiled Tithes Strides
Dancing at the edge of the Light.
Veiled Tithes Cloak
Rising above the Deep.
Veiled Tithes Hood
Rational and ritual in gnashing dissonance.
Veiled Tithes Gloves
Sharp in word and deed.
Veiled Tithes Robes
Calm and centered through the tumult.
Veiled Tithes Boots
Lithe came the footfalls of the dead.
Veiled Tithes Bond
Macabre in its brilliance.
Pharmakos Shell
For sacrificial Ghosts.
"The Witch Queen's crystals are powered by elemental Light. I believe you k...
Putting the pace in "carapace."