Machine Guns

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If they're close enough to see it start, then they'd better run.
A single word is etched inside the barrel: "Clovis-II-1."
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Eleatic Principle
Explanation leads to contradiction.
Fixed Odds
An Earth artifact, refashioned to suit the Emperor's modest tastes.
Planck's Stride
"You may speak as freely as your willingness to take punishment." —Pirate Lord Arask
Qua Xaphan V
The heavens become dust in the face of your ambition.
Qua Xaphan V
The heavens become dust in the face of your ambition.
Qullim's Terminus
"If only… if only we had heeded the queen…"
Recurrent Impact
It's enough to drive someone out of their mind.
Retrofit Escapade
Double down for one last job.
Song of Ir Yût
It is the song of endings.
Song of Ir Yût (Adept)
It is the song of endings.
Hunger is the all of it, and it is all of hunger.
Hunger is the all of it, and it is all of hunger.
Hunger is the all of it, and it is all of hunger.
Unwavering Duty
"There's no one else I can trust with her care." —Ikora Rey
Unwavering Duty
"There's no one else I can trust with her care." —Ikora Rey
Unwavering Duty (Adept)
"There's no one else I can trust with her care." —Ikora Rey
A Fine Memorial
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
Corrective Measure
It breaks the rules of reality as ruthlessly as it shatters your foes.
Corrective Measure (Timelost)
A full measure annihilates the rules of reality.
Qullim's Terminus
"If only… if only we had heeded the queen…"
Qullim's Terminus
"If only… if only we had heeded the queen…"
Qullim's Terminus (Harrowed)
"Her guidance would have saved us…"
Song of Ir Yût
It is the song of endings.
Song of Ir Yût
It is the song of endings.
Song of Ir Yût (Adept)
It is the song of endings.
Thermal Erosion
Random Perks: This item cannot be reacquired from Collections.
If they're close enough to see it start, then they'd better run.