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Breakthrough, or broken?
Choir of One
A voice. A choice. An invitation.
Hard Light
Ionized polymer synballistic attack platform. The system's lethality is dynamically robust across ta...
Tommy's Matchbook
"It's warm in here."
Eriana's Vow
A light in the dark.
Shield Piercing
"Can't outrun the sunrise." —Liu Feng
Collective Obligation
"What The Witness gave me, I give to you. May it serve you in death, or in finality. It cannot be bo...
Graviton Lance
Think of space-time as a tapestry on a loom. This weapon is the needle.
Red Death Reformed
Vanguard policy still urges Guardians to destroy this weapon on sight.
Polaris Lance
"I've forgotten so much of my past life, of my family. But when I hold this rifle, everything feels ...
Skyburner's Oath
The inscription, written in a Cabal dialect, reads: "Inexorable victory."
"Duality is not a curse, but a gift." —Author unknown
Charge your soul and let the electrons sing.
We walk where our ancestors once walked.
The Manticore
Let fly my sting.
Abyss Defiant
We will not go quietly.
Abyss Defiant (Adept)
We will not go quietly.
Age-Old Bond
Symbiosis. Not predation. Never predation, o wary one mine.
Age-Old Bond
Symbiosis. Not predation. Never predation, o wary one mine.
Ammit AR2
Dying edge dual-chamber stabilization matrix technology makes this the most balanced Auto Rifle that...
Arc Logic
"The Hive live by sword logic. Teach them another way." —Eris Morn
Arctic Haze
"A haze permeates the air here, occluding clear sight. Be very sure of your aim." —The Exo Stranger
Chrysura Melo
"If you hear it, remove your helmet and face the closest Corsair. They will know what must be done."...
Come to Pass
Always be mindful of the repeat offender.
SUROS invites you to sing as they fall.
Dark Decider
The oldest, shortest words—yes and no—are those which require the most thought.
Dark Decider
The oldest, shortest words—yes and no—are those which require the most thought.
Dark Decider
The oldest, shortest words—yes and no—are those which require the most thought.
SUROS invites you to kick up your heels.
Galliard-42 XN7568
A Black Armory experimental prototype.
Gnawing Hunger
Don't let pride keep you from a good meal.
Hollow Earth
"Do we need another reminder? This world is but a grave." —Arach Jalaal
Jiangshi AR4
You can't outrun the dead.
Kibou AR3
It springs eternal.
Martyr's Make
Remember those who have gone before.
SUROS invites you to serve up your greatest hits.
Nowhere else to go.
No Hesitation
"He is the closest thing I will ever have to a son."
Null Calamity 9
A sacred eye that speaks in lies—upending futures in its path.
The way before us to the skies shall ...
It was a long time coming. But it wasn't the wait. It was the journey.
Positive Outlook
Lead by example.
Positive Outlook
Lead by example.
"All this in service of one purpose. You have their attention. Let us see if you can keep it." —Emis...
"All this in service of one purpose. You have their attention. Let us see if you can keep it." —Emis...
Reckless Oracle
"Knowing how it ends isn't the same as wanting it to be over." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Reckless Oracle
"Knowing how it ends isn't the same as wanting it to be over." —Rekkana, Warlock of the Kentarch 3
Restoration VIII
"We need proper tools if we are to rebuild." —Executor Hideo
Ros Arago IV
Holding dissimilar concepts in harmony is a mark of wisdom.
Shadow Price
A precision Auto Rifle left behind by Toland, the Shattered. It asks so little, and it offers so muc...
Shadow Price
A precision Auto Rifle left behind by Toland, the Shattered. It asks so little, and it offers so muc...