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An Insurmountable Skullfort
BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)
An Insurmountable Skullfort
BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)
Apotheosis Veil
Most helmets protect the mind from the universe. Not this one.
Apotheosis Veil
Most helmets protect the mind from the universe. Not this one.
Assassin's Cowl
Now you see me. Now you don't.
Astrocyte Verse
The ideocosm contained within this helm transforms the wearer's head from flesh and/or exoneurons to...
Astrocyte Verse
The ideocosm contained within this helm transforms the wearer's head from flesh and/or exoneurons to...
Blight Ranger
It reflects whatever it sees, no matter how ugly.
Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
"I used to feel cold. Now I don't feel anything."
Celestial Nighthawk
Starlight is your guide. No vacuum will contain you.
Celestial Nighthawk
Starlight is your guide. No vacuum will contain you.
Cenotaph Mask
You carry the names of the dead.
Crown of Tempests
Mighty are they of the stormcloud thrones, and quick to anger, but bounteous to those whom they love...
Crown of Tempests
Mighty are they of the stormcloud thrones, and quick to anger, but bounteous to those whom they love...
Cyrtarachne's Facade
The perfect disguise.
Dawn Chorus
"Go out in a blaze of glory." —Ancient Earth proverb
Eternal Warrior
Absolute, unflinching resolve.
Eternal Warrior
Absolute, unflinching resolve.
Eye of Another World
When the universe conspires, its enemies cannot hide.
Eye of Another World
When the universe conspires, its enemies cannot hide.
Fallen Sunstar
Judge us by the enemies we've made.
Felwinter's Helm
"To survive out here, you need eyes in the back of your head." —Lord Felwinter
"I see you."
"I see you."
Graviton Forfeit
"Doesn't matter how good you are—you stay out there too long, you're not coming back. Not the same w...
Graviton Forfeit
"Doesn't matter how good you are—you stay out there too long, you're not coming back. Not the same w...
Helm of Saint-14
"He walked out into the demon light. But at the end he was brighter." —Paean to Saint-14
Helm of Saint-14
"He walked out into the demon light. But at the end he was brighter." —Paean to Saint-14
Khepri's Horn
"I pushed the sun. I can push you, too." —Inscription inside the helm
Khepri's Horn
"I pushed the sun. I can push you, too." —Inscription inside the helm
Knucklehead Radar
You can see the point, right? Who wants to team up with one?
Knucklehead Radar
You can see the point, right? Who wants to team up with one?
Loreley Splendor Helm
"I don't know what it means
That I am so sad
A legend of bygone days
That I cannot keep out of my mi...
Mask of Bakris
"I cast off my carapace to be reborn, just like our glorious Riis." —Atraks-1, Fallen Exo
Mask of Fealty
Leave a mark.
Mask of the Quiet One
Mask of the Quiet One
Nezarec's Sin
"He is that which is an end. And he shall rise again." —passage from Of Hated Nezarec, a pre-Golden ...
Nezarec's Sin
"He is that which is an end. And he shall rise again." —passage from Of Hated Nezarec, a pre-Golden ...
One-Eyed Mask
An eye for an eye.
One-Eyed Mask
An eye for an eye.
Precious Scars
"The Traveler has shown us that what was broken can be reformed, becoming better than it was before....
Skull of Dire Ahamkara
Reality is the finest flesh, oh bearer mine. And are you not…hungry?
Skull of Dire Ahamkara
Reality is the finest flesh, oh bearer mine. And are you not…hungry?
Speaker's Sight
To its Speakers, the Traveler gives dreams, and little more.
The Stag
Only bones for your feast. Only death for my victory.
The Stag
Only bones for your feast. Only death for my victory.
Verity's Brow
"The Hive do not see how we see. They look beyond, into the infinite. Into the dark."
—Eris Morn
Verity's Brow
"The Hive do not see how we see. They look beyond, into the infinite. Into the dark."
—Eris Morn
Wormhusk Crown
We strive to know infinity, and sharpen our minds on the whetstone of the impossible.