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Actium War Rig
Conflict Resolution Solution #3479: Leave them to rest wherever they may fa...
Actium War Rig
Conflict Resolution Solution #3479: Leave them to rest wherever they may fa...
Arbor Warden
Tend the gardens of your heart.
For this, there is one remedy.
For this, there is one remedy.
Crest of Alpha Lupi
Whoever survives our passing does so only by our consent.
Crest of Alpha Lupi
Whoever survives our passing does so only by our consent.
Cuirass of the Falling Star
The lightning from the farthest cloud strikes the hardest.
Hallowfire Heart
"You who seek the Forge: your journey will be long, but your destination is...
Hallowfire Heart
"You who seek the Forge: your journey will be long, but your destination is...
Hazardous Propulsion
WARNING: Sudden explosions may occur.
Heart of Inmost Light
On the cusp between life and light, between death and destruction.
Heart of Inmost Light
On the cusp between life and light, between death and destruction.
"No great wonder can stand forever if it is constructed on a lie." —Alexei
Severance Enclosure
The loop is made. Over and over until the collision. At that moment, severe...
Gifted Conviction
"Perfection is overvalued." —Ikora Rey
Gwisin Vest
"The Traveler called me back. Told me my work on this side isn't done yet."...
Gwisin Vest
"The Traveler called me back. Told me my work on this side isn't done yet."...
Gyrfalcon's Hauberk
The higher your flight, the faster your dive.
Lucky Raspberry
> No one has ever died wearing me.
# It's true. She leaves the unworthy bef...
Lucky Raspberry
> No one has ever died wearing me.
# It's true. She leaves the unworthy bef...
See the danger, even when it cannot see you.
Ophidia Spathe
Listen carefully when the serpent speaks, for its tongue is forked, and its...
Ophidia Spathe
Listen carefully when the serpent speaks, for its tongue is forked, and its...
Raiden Flux
Interfaces with synapses (or nearest equivalent) to draw electric power dir...
Raiden Flux
Interfaces with synapses (or nearest equivalent) to draw electric power dir...
Raiju's Harness
To tame that which knows no master, one must bear the storm.
The Dragon's Shadow
"It is my honor." —Chalco Yong to Ikora Rey
The Dragon's Shadow
"It is my honor." —Chalco Yong to Ikora Rey
The Sixth Coyote
"You wanna use your old name, that's fine by me. Just don't tell anyone." —...
The Sixth Coyote
"You wanna use your old name, that's fine by me. Just don't tell anyone." —...
Chromatic Fire
"…found them… Crystal Orchards of Dione… requesting backup… coordinates to ...
Chromatic Fire
"…found them… Crystal Orchards of Dione… requesting backup… coordinates to ...
Mantle of Battle Harmony
There is no strength in letting go.
The moment when wings and limbs are held on tenterhooks, and the pin enters...
Phoenix Protocol
Do not grieve the dying star. Its death kindles newer life, and thus the wh...
Phoenix Protocol
Do not grieve the dying star. Its death kindles newer life, and thus the wh...
Sanguine Alchemy
There is power in blood.
Sanguine Alchemy
There is power in blood.
Starfire Protocol
13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding th...
Starfire Protocol
13.4 billion years ago, the first stars kindled out of darkness, seeding th...
Stormdancer's Brace
After all, isn't lightning better outside the bottle?
Vesper of Radius
"Drawn like so, the Rift circle reinscribes planetary energy as a destructi...
Vesper of Radius
"Drawn like so, the Rift circle reinscribes planetary energy as a destructi...
Wings of Sacred Dawn
There will come a day when the light will never fade.
Wings of Sacred Dawn
There will come a day when the light will never fade.
Ancient Apocalypse Plate
"Sometimes it's a cosmic event. Sometimes it's a beast from hell. Sometimes...
Ancient Apocalypse Plate
"Sometimes it's a cosmic event. Sometimes it's a beast from hell. Sometimes...
Ancient Apocalypse Plate
"Sometimes it's a cosmic event. Sometimes it's a beast from hell. Sometimes...
Ancient Apocalypse Plate
"Sometimes it's a cosmic event. Sometimes it's a beast from hell. Sometimes...