Legendary / Quest Step

Return to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar for your reward: a weapon to help secure future victories.

"A powerful weapon is not the sole arbiter of victory. Nor is the skill of the Guardian who wields it." —Osiris

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Part of Quest "Trials Access"

1. Trials Access

Your zeal is noted, friend, but your Light requires refinement. As the acting officiator of the Trials of Osiris, Saint-14 has assessed the necessary requirements for entry. His assessment has set the entry bar at a measurable Power of {var:3800354482}. While every Guardian has strength in their own right, some do not yet have the battle experience to operate seamlessly in a Trials fireteam. Reach Power {var:3800354482}, complete your Competitive Placement Matches, and defeat opponents in Competitive Crucible to participate in the Trials of Osiris.

2. Trials Access

Return to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar.

3. Trials Access

Acquire a Trials Passage from Saint-14 to begin the Trials of Osiris. Play a game, win a round, and eliminate an opponent.

4. Trials Access

Return to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar for your reward: a weapon to help secure future victories.
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