Legendary / Quest Step

Visit Petra Venj in the Dreaming City to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

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Let's Go

Part of Quest "Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?"

1. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Visit Petra Venj in the Dreaming City to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

2. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Archie wanted to check out the Blind Well… but Guardians were fighting something scary, so he decided to wait outside the door.

3. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Archie heard about some mysterious bones that like to barter and, naturally, felt compelled to check them out.

4. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Archie felt like someone was playing a trick on him! He kept hearing the sound of a cat's purring permeating the Mists.

5. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Archie's last stop. He was hoping to say hello to the queen if she was around.

6. Where in the Dreaming City Is Archie?

Return to Ada-1 in the Annex of the Tower.
10 Trophy of Bravery
Trophies of Bravery symbolize your Guardian's dedication to protecting huma...
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