
レジェンダリー / ウォーロック / クラスアイテム / Warlock Bond


入手方法: ブライトエングラム

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"What you fight for is what you value. Everything else is words."

Mihaylova Supplemental
Navigator's Journal—Encrypted Supplemental—
A/V Recording
Clubhouse Canteen
Path to Ares: 3 days to Launch

Evie: Listen, I wanted to talk to you alone.

Mihaylova: All right.

E: Have you read some of these outputs? I think there are some serious errors here.

M: Don't be absurd.

E: You've got… it's got these code caches and it's… M, it's creating assessments of us. Of the project, of the crew. It commented on Qiao's snoring when he was asleep. Look, here…

M: Did you print that out?

E: Of course.

M: OK. All right. So what do you propose?

E: Bringing it to Hardy.

M: Ugh. Of course.

E: What's that supposed to mean?

M: I mean… look. Um. You're right. It must be an error. This is all embarrassing. Let me see if I can fix it. Give me a day.

E: We don't have a day!

M: Twelve hours, then. Let me try to locate the problem. And if I can't, of course we'll take it to the whole team.

E: Are you certain you can?

M: Oh, I have to. Twelve hours. By then I swear, we'll have it all squared away.

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