Season of the Wish Eververse Items

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Augmented Apotheosis
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Divinity. Once you get an ornament, it's unlo...
Corrupted Logic
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Necrochasm. Once you get an ornament, it's un...
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Thorn. Once you get an ornament, it's unlocke...
Extravagant Wishcraft
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of One Thousand Voices. Once you get an ornament...
Gilded Cage
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Whisper of the Worm. Once you acquire an orna...
Herald of Spring
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Two-Tailed Fox. Once you get an ornament, it'...
Immaterial Messenger
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Wish-Keeper. Once you get an ornament, it's u...
Spacetime Weft
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Leviathan's Breath. Once you get an ornament,...
The Business End
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Sweet Business. Once you get an ornament, it'...
Thor's Bellow
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Thunderlord. Once you acquire an ornament, it...
Barrel Bath
Soggy armor is a small price to pay for true relaxation.
Flux Dance
Captain on deck!
Arcade Shell
For Ghosts who prefer analog.
Auspicious Shell
For Ghosts celebrating the new year in style.
Classy Shell
For Ghosts who take pride in their Chosen.
Cygnus Shell
For Ghosts who are exquisitely feathered.
Enhanced Defense Shell
For Ghosts with advanced cyberwarfare suites.
Heimdall Shell
For Ghosts who see the beauty in destruction.
Icy Elegance Shell
For Ghosts who dance through the air.
Ornamental Shell
For Ghosts waiting for their chance to shine.
Photoelectric Shell
For Ghosts who transform energy into reality.
Razorscale Shell
For Ghosts who are feeling a bit prickly.
Scarred Shell
For Ghosts embracing the mercenary life.
Tasseled Shell
For Ghosts who always look sharp in the ring.
Ugly Little Spud Shell
For Ghosts with enormous ectoplasmic appetites.
Wolven Shell
For Ghosts who wander the path…
Abominable Insignia
Fly the dreaded colors proudly.
Alliance Scout Frigate
Powered by the experimental Tantalus Drive Core.
Championship Advantage
The title is yours.
Ecto Jumpship
Roomy enough for all your paranormal paraphernalia.
Filigree Rover
"There's nothing more festive than arriving in unassailable style." —Eva Levante
Join your voice to the music of the spheres.
Laser Cutter
Matter and energy fused into a perfect whole.
Lunar Omen
A sign of fortune from above.
Para Bellum IV
To the victor the glory.
As we fly towards the dawn, still we remember the twilight.
Rain fire and blood from above.
Cruise into the future.
Wolven Storm
The wolf I will follow into the storm.
Leave only streaks of light behind.
Alliance Drop Ship
Handles like a drunk rhino, but it can climb for days.
Bucephalus III
They'll name cities after you.
Divine Messenger
Go in peace. Return in triumph.
Ferrous Roar
Incinerate all within the choking plume.
No celebration's complete without festive noise.
Mercenary Spirit
Sell your arms to the highest bidder.
Phantom God
Beware the Death Chill.
Don't mind the bouncy ride.
Richly Caparisoned
Look good on the track. And on the victory lap.
Just whistle, and I'll be there for you as the world falls down.