New Armor in Season of the Witch

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Item Comparison
Pyrogale Gauntlets
Reach the combustion point.
Mothkeeper's Wraps
Smother the lights and run.
New growth rises from the old.
Biosphere Explorer Helm
Hunger teaches resourcefulness.
Candescent Mark (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Fused Aurum Helm
See strife, seek balance.
Sunlit Helm (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Helm
Responsibility, taken in secret, proudly upheld.
Willbreaker's Watch
Their howls of terror mark your arrival.
Biosphere Explorer Gauntlets
Isolation teaches clarity.
Candescent Gauntlets (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Fused Aurum Gauntlets
Measure twice, strike once.
Sunlit Gauntlets (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Gauntlets
Blades swung, lessons learned.
Willbreaker's Fists
Take what is yours.
Biosphere Explorer Plate
Deprivation teaches discipline.
Candescent Plate (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Fused Aurum Plate
Find warmth, take heart.
Sunlit Plate (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Plate
Hope and hate share the same heart.
Willbreaker's Resolve
Their blades break against your heart.
Biosphere Explorer Greaves
Terror teaches alacrity.
Candescent Helm (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Fused Aurum Greaves
Seek height, gain sanctuary.
Sunlit Greaves (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Greaves
Feet steady in the midst of the madness.
Willbreaker's Greaves
The ground shudders beneath your feet.
Biosphere Explorer Mark
Each deadly encounter gifts a lesson.
Candescent Greaves (Unkindled)
Fused Aurum Mark
Rest often, rest well.
Mark of the Pit
Torn from a vanquished Wizard, it flutters in windless air.
Sunlit Mark (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Mark
Shield against the whispering Deep.
Candescent Cloak (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Hinterland Cowl
The beast snarls, and the hunter whispers.
Photonic Cowl
Gain dominion over all that the light touches.
Sunlit Hood (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Unyielding Casque
The weak will be consumed.
Veiled Tithes Mask
Toiling in the dead of night.
Candescent Grips (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Dogged Gage
One doesn't need sleeves to keep knives inside them.
Hinterland Grips
The beast mauls, and the hunter waits.
Photonic Grips
From infinitesimally small parts come great works.
Sunlit Grips (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.
Veiled Tithes Grips
Taking the sword in hand.
Candescent Vest (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice 2022.
Hinterland Vest
The beast postures, and the hunter watches.
Photonic Vest
Who can measure the heartbeats of a star?
Relentless Harness
The splayed claws and empty skull of a Thrall cry defiance to the Hive.
Sunlit Vest (Unkindled)
Upgrade this item using Kindling and Embers obtained during Solstice.