New Cosmetics in Season of the Splicer

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Inferno Heraldry
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Null Composure. Once you get an ornament, it'...
Smith's Touchmark
Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Null Composure. Once you get an ornament, it'...
10950 Days
A Classy Order
Broken Barriers
Bungie Day 2021
Burnt Edges
Entre Nous
Feint Drift
Gravitational Allure
Greasy Palms
Guardians' Oath
Helios Crown
Heliotrope Warren
Infinite Reflections
Luminous Tapestry
Midnight Durance
Misplaced Sun
New Blue
Portable Power
Reborn In Flames
Share a Glass
Solar Breeze
Spectral Flare
Spoils of Ishtar
Stars Crossed
The Brightest Stars
The Unrelenting Grip
Threads of Light
Unified Front
Woven Resilience
Fancy Hat Roll
Whether tramp or champion, make a dramatic first impression.
Joke Bang
Don't be so glum.
No Fair
I didn't come here to make friends.
No Signal
It's surprisingly difficult to get reception up here.
Ready for Anything
Get ready for anything.
Reflecting Glass
Who's the greatest Guardian of all?
Roller Dance
No parking on the dance floor.
Arc Spin
Would you like to see my Hunter skills?
Fancy Footwork
Why don't we go where fashion sits?
Future Hi-5
In the future, we connect at a distance.
Arc Clap
Celebrate your comrades, Titan.
Arc Charge
This Warlock's charged up and ready to go.
At Wits' End
That's it. No more. Please.
Maybe nobody saw that.
Here I Am
Flaunt your incredible look.
Sassy Hair Flip
Now make it work.