New Exotics in Season of the Splicer

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Argentate Dusk
From orbit, dusk is just a flight path.
Aureate Dawn
From orbit, the dawn arrives on command.
Firebreak Warden
The Last City still bears scars from the Red War—crumbled buildings, collapsed sewers, and caved-in ...
Forbidden Memory
Light a candle for those we've lost.
Kosmos Lightbeam
"I took a spin in one of those old automobiles once. Fixed it up with Amanda, hauled it to some unbr...
Long Haul Cruiser
The earliest jump drives of the Golden Age paled in comparison to their modern versions—freight char...
M3-D1 Valkyrie
Most of the Last City's emergency response vehicles were destroyed during the Red War. The Foundries...
Redline Torpedo
WARNING: Disabling proximity-based automatic dampening (PBAD) can significantly increase the risk of...
Above Venus, goodness strides…
Aoki/Faas Mk. VII
"It's not about trophies—take them. It's about pushing boundaries. Our chains have been broken. It's...
Aurum Pace
Move at the speed of gold.
Firebreak Rescuer
The emergency response systems of the Last City must contend with crises both mundane and extraordin...
Golden Rider
The union of luxury and lethality.
Kosmos Starling
Is the world starting to feel dim? Washed out? Put some sparkle back in your sky with Kosmos.
Long Haul Wagon
"Lost another unit today—faulty coupling broke coming out of the jump. Watched it drift off into the...
M3-D1 Angelos
"I've spent years studying, just for a shot at saving someone—at keeping them alive. Then you watch ...
Redline Hotshot
ALERT: Temperature exceeding nominal levels, automatic shutdown beginning in 3… 2… 1…
Riis Racer
"No! This one goes here, that one goes there!" —Amanda Holliday
The Lone Howl
The cornered animal is always the most dangerous.