New Armor in The Witch Queen

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Blight Ranger
It reflects whatever it sees, no matter how ugly.
Loreley Splendor Helm
"I don't know what it means
That I am so sad
A legend of bygone days
That I cannot keep out of my mi...
Osmiomancy Gloves
Osmium's existence requires near-divine intervention—a supernova—to forge.
Renewal Grasps
The frigid will renewed, resurgent.
"No great wonder can stand forever if it is constructed on a lie." —Alexei
Secant Filaments
The nature of the secant is to intercept a curve, a role all human relationships likewise fill.
Clutch Extol Helmet
"If you feel you are unworthy, fight until your doubt is burned away." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Hood
"If you feel you are unworthy, fight until your doubt is burned away." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Mask
"If you feel you are unworthy, fight until your doubt is burned away." —Lord Shaxx
Photosuede Helmet
"I consider them enemies of the Light, no matter what powers they command." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Hood
"I consider them enemies of the Light, no matter what powers they command." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Mask
"I consider them enemies of the Light, no matter what powers they command." —Commander Zavala
Resonant Fury Cowl
I see the task before me. I wear it with devotion.
Resonant Fury Helm
Ur yearns for nurture. It does so through hunger.
Resonant Fury Mask
I see the void, and through this gaze, I learn to covet no goal.
Tusked Allegiance Helmet
"They are an insult, a stain that's our duty to wash away." —Lord Saladin
Tusked Allegiance Hood
"They have succeeded, somehow. But they will succeed no longer." —Empress Caiatl
Tusked Allegiance Mask
"When I look at them, I see myself staring back." —Crow
Veritas Cowl
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't make the mistake of assuming...
Veritas Helm
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't make the mistake of assuming...
Veritas Hood
"Life is lies. Comfort? Justice? Love? They're things we made up. Don't make the mistake of assuming...
Viperidax Helmet
"So what if another fella got dealt in? Just makes the pot bigger." —The Drifter
Viperidax Helmet
"So what if another fella got dealt in? Just makes the pot bigger." —The Drifter
Viperidax Hood
"So what if another fella got dealt in? Just makes the pot bigger." —The Drifter
Clutch Extol Gauntlets
"You have questions about the Light? The Crucible is the only answer you need." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Gloves
"You have questions about the Light? The Crucible is the only answer you need." —Lord Shaxx
Clutch Extol Grips
"You have questions about the Light? The Crucible is the only answer you need." —Lord Shaxx
Photosuede Gauntlets
"Our response must be swift and devastating." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Gloves
"Our response must be swift and devastating." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Grips
"Our response must be swift and devastating." —Commander Zavala
Resonant Fury Gauntlets
Yul yearns for nurture. It does so through honesty.
Resonant Fury Gloves
I see the game. I raise the stakes.
Resonant Fury Grips
I touch the void, and through this clasp, I learn to hold nothing.
Tusked Allegiance Gauntlets
"If this is a test, we shall not fail." —Lord Saladin
Tusked Allegiance Gloves
"Bonds are forged on the battlefield and broken at the War Table." —Empress Caiatl
Tusked Allegiance Grips
"I don't think any of us will be the same when this is over." —Crow
Veritas Gauntlets
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like a challenge." —Chul Sobo...
Veritas Gloves
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like a challenge." —Chul Sobo...
Veritas Grips
"Truth is difficult. And that's fine. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like a challenge." —Chul Sobo...
Viperidax Gauntlets
"Just 'cause there's another player at the table don't mean our hand is weaker." —The Drifter
Viperidax Gloves
"Just 'cause there's another player at the table don't mean our hand is weaker." —The Drifter
Viperidax Grips
"Just 'cause there's another player at the table don't mean our hand is weaker." —The Drifter
Clutch Extol Plate
"The Crucible will teach you what it is to lose, so that you may teach your enemies in turn." —Lord ...
Clutch Extol Robes
"The Crucible will teach you what it is to lose, so that you may teach your enemies in turn." —Lord ...
Clutch Extol Vest
"The Crucible will teach you what it is to lose, so that you may teach your enemies in turn." —Lord ...
Photosuede Plate
"The Light was once what separated us from our enemies." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Robes
"The Light was once what separated us from our enemies." —Commander Zavala
Photosuede Vest
"The Light was once what separated us from our enemies." —Commander Zavala
Resonant Fury Plate
Xol yearned for nurture. It did so amongst the thousands.
Resonant Fury Robes
I reach for solace. It is stolen from me.