Petra Venj Icon
Petra Venj

Queen's Wrath

Petra Venj


    •  x 2K
    •  x 5K
    •  x 7K
    •  x 10K
    •  x 5K

Material Exchange

    •  x 5K
    •  x 5K

An Old Friend

    •  x 1

Unnamed Category


    •  x 2K
    •  x 2K
    •  x 2K
    •  x 2K

Available Bounties

    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 40
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 500
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
    •  x 1K
No Turning Back
Category: Unnamed Category
Vestian Dynasty
Category: Unnamed Category
Hunters' Remembrance
Petra Venj sent a cryptic request for assistance. Locate her in the Dreaming City and ask her for details.
Category: Unnamed Category
Raid Banner
Can be used before any raid encounter to allow fireteam members to gain Super energy and Heavy ammo.
Category: Consumables
  • Costs:
  •  x 5K
Tincture of Queensfoil
The viscous liquid within swirls and writhes, as if searching for escape.
Category: Material Exchange
  • Costs:
  •  x 5K
Unstable Charge of Light
The charge pulses and arcs with the Traveler's energy as well as something far more sinister.
This offering to the Blind Well will provide a very large charge to the mechanism.
Category: Consumables
  • Costs:
  •  x 10K
Legendary Engram
An engram with complex markers.
Contains a random Legendary weapon or armor piece.
Category: Unnamed Category
Broken Courier
"One of my people is calling for evac. Got a minute?" —Petra Venj
Category: Quests
  • Costs:
  •  x 2K
Dark Monastery
"We've got strange reports coming in from the Corsairs. I need a sitrep." —Petra Venj
Category: Quests
  • Costs:
  •  x 2K
Restless Slumber
While in the Dreaming City, complete a public event, loot a Lost Sector, and complete bounties provided by Petra Venj.
Category: Unnamed Category
The Oracle Engine
"We lost contact with one of the Techeuns out in the Mists. Scope it out, Guardian." —Petra Venj
Category: Quests
  • Costs:
  •  x 2K
War for the Dreaming City
"Thank you for coming, my friend. I'm always glad to see you." —Petra Venj
Category: Quests
  • Costs:
  •  x 2K
Dawning Delivery
A bag of mysterious rewards to thank you for your generosity.
May contain Rare or Legendary equipment, Glimmer, and additional gifts.
Available only during the Dawning.
Category: An Old Friend
  • Costs:
  •  x 1
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Ascendant Challenge
"The Awoken have long practiced the art of walking between worlds." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Gateway Between Worlds
"The Blind Well can split wide the veins that run between realities." —Techeun Sedia
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 40
Charge of Light—Tier I
The Light barely radiates from this object, but it's there.
This offering to the Blind Well will provide a small charge to the mechanism.
Category: Consumables
  • Costs:
  •  x 2K
Charge of Light—Tier II
This object hums with the power of the Light.
This offering to the Blind Well will provide a medium charge to the mechanism.
Category: Consumables
  • Costs:
  •  x 5K
Charge of Light—Tier III
You can feel the energy contained within radiating from the orb.
This offering to Blind Well will provide a large charge to the mechanism.
Category: Consumables
  • Costs:
  •  x 7K
Challenge: Deathproof
"You're causing quite a stir among my Corsairs. They think you're invincible." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Challenge: Headhunter
"For every enemy commander that steps forward, we need to destroy two." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Challenge: Heroic Public Events
"Ah, I've seen how you Guardians fight. Put your back into it!" —Paladin Kamala Rior
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Challenge: Plaguebreaker
"Our enemies are drawn to the Blind Well like moths to a flame…" —Techeun Sedia
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Challenge: Secret Secrets
"The Dreaming City is rich with secrets. Seek them out and be enlightened." —Techeun Kalli
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
Challenge: The Shattered
"Is it true that the spirit of a Guardian wanders the Ascendant Plane?" —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 1K
"Our enemies outnumber the Awoken, but they cannot outlast the Guardians." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Defender of the Well
"We don't have the resources to repair the Well if it fails. We must defend it." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
"If you spot any of my Corsairs in the field, don't be shy to say hello." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Lost in Rheasilvia
Explore the Chamber of Starlight in the Dreaming City.
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Lost in the Mists
Explore the Bay of Drowned Wishes in the Dreaming City.
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Lost in the Strand
Explore Aphelion's Rest in the Dreaming City.
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Public Works
Complete public events in the Dreaming City. Heroic public events contribute the most progress.
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Reagent Resourcing
"The Techeuns call for more spell ingredients." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Scourge of the Scorn
"The Scorn seek revenge for the death of the Fanatic. They will never willingly leave the Dreaming City." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Scourge of the Taken
"The Taken have infected the City at its core. Every kill helps ease the pressure." —Petra Venj
Category: Available Bounties
  • Costs:
  •  x 500
Awoken Mementos
Mementos honoring past heroes of the Awoken.
Category: Unnamed Category
Dawning Delivery
Petra may not remain in one place long enough to eat the cookies you've made, but she seems quite thankful nonetheless.
Hunters' Remembrance
Petra can't seem to tear her eyes from the bow. "The Wish-Ender. I thought it was only a legend. How did you—?" She shakes her head once, as though snapping herself back to waking reality. "No matter. You did all that I asked and more. With their mementos purified, our honored dead can rest again." "As for the bow…" Petra gives you a small, almost wistful smile. "I will not ask what passed between Sjur Eido and you. Hunt well, my friend."
Rewards (Pick One)
Hunters' Remembrance
Petra holds out a case full of strange mementos. Despite their small size, their antiquity is apparent—as is the Taken corruption clinging to them. Petra starts to speak, and you hear righteous anger behind her clipped words. "These are mementos of past Awoken Paladins. I don't know how the Fallen learned of them, but a Taken attack targeted the mementos… and desecrated them." "Our honored dead deserve better. Take their mementos into the Shattered Throne and hunt down the Taken responsible. Their blood will avenge the wrong that's been done and purify the tokens." Petra's frown deepens. "The Fallen hid themselves well. My scouts revealed some clues, but you will have to search carefully."
Restless Slumber
"Your help is appreciated, as much as I wish it wasn't necessary." Petra turns and gazes at the landscape around her, a wistful look in her eye. "Corruption tears at the fabric of this sacred place. It pains me to see it so…" "With your help, I am closer to cleansing this darkness, and for that, I thank you." Destinations offer a variety of activities and rewards. Keep exploring to discover them!
Rewards (Pick One)
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