Common / Enhanced Trait

Sustained kinetic damage to a target emits a shockwave that damages any nearby targets. Perk activates more quickly.

Community Research

Scoring multiple Direct Hits against a target within 3 seconds of each emits 3 damaging shockwaves from its location at the time of activation.

Shockwaves appear 0.285 seconds after scoring enough Hits and have a 1 second delay between each pulse.

Each shockwave deals up to 120 [PVP: 20] damage in a 5? meter radius. Shockwaves deal 25% less damage when activated on Minor and Elite PvE Combatants.

Shockwaves inherit Weapon Damage Buffs, the weapon's passive Kinetic Damage Bonus in PVE (10% on Primary, 15% on Special), and its Combatant Damage Scaling . They also count as non-direct Hits with the weapon for other interactions.

The perk cannot be retriggered by anyone on a target until 2? seconds after the last shockwave.

Hits Required for Activation:
• Submachine Guns: 14 (enhanced unavailable)
• Auto Rifles: 12 (enhanced unavailable)
• Pulse Rifles: (11🠚) 🡅 10
• Non-burst Sidearms: (8🠚) 🡅 7
• Hand Cannons, Scout Rifles: (6🠚) 🡅 5
• Sniper Rifles: (3🠚) 🡅 2

🡅 Hit Requirements are reduced.
Last Updated 2023-05-28
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