Excepcional / Intrinsic

Otorga un radar al apuntar. Aumenta la resolución del radar al agacharse. Marca visualmente a los objetivos. Les inflige más daño a los objetivos resaltados que tengan salud baja. Les otorga un ligero aumento de efectividad en el aire a todas las armas.

Community Research

Passively grants 20 Airborne Effectiveness and Radar remains active while Aiming Down Sights.

Crouching grants Enhanced Radar (6⁠🠚⁠12 sectors)

Hovering your reticle near enemies for 1 second marks them for 5 seconds. Marks are visible through walls.

If an Enemy is below 30% Health:
Increases all outgoing damage against them by 1% for every percentage point below 30%.
(10% HP left 🠚 20% increased damage)

PVE Combatant and Player Shields do not count as Health.
Last Updated 2024-04-27


Upgraded Sensor Pack

Upgraded Sensor Pack

Provides radar while you're aiming and marks targets, increasing damage to low-health marked targets.
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