Basic / Trait

Frapper un ennemi avec tous les projectiles d'un tir augmente les dégâts de mêlée pendant un court instant

Community Research

Increases Melee Damage by 100% for 1.22 seconds after hitting a target with all 12 Shotgun Pellets in the spread.

Against Bosses and Vehicles , this is increased to 150% for the following melee options:
All Unpowered Melees, Combination Blow, Disorienting Blow, Chain Lightning, and Grapple Melee

The following options do not benefit from the perk:
• Hunters: Proximity Explosive Knife's and Snare Bomb's detonations, Tempest Strike, Withering Blade, Threaded Spike
• Titans: Throwing Hammer, Consecration, Thunderclap, Shield Throw, Flechette Storm
• Warlocks: all abilities except Chain Lightning

The buff does not stack with the passive Melee Damage Increase against Frozen non-Boss targets. The higher buff of the two takes precedence.

This means that with the exception of Shiver Strike and Howl of the Storm in PVE where the perk's buff is always higher, it will only provide a benefit over Freeze's buff when used against Bosses and Vehicles.
Last Updated 2024-03-01
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