Legendary / Quest Step

Visit Devrim Kay in the EDZ to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

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Let's Go

Part of Quest "Where in the EDZ Is Archie?"

1. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Visit Devrim Kay in the EDZ to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

2. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Archie heard about some feathers behind a fireplace. He's hoping to find a glowing bird.

3. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Archie heard Guardians have picked up a chill new hobby called "fishing" and went to check it out.

4. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Archie heard about a "ship full of tanks and space rhinos" and decided to go take a look.

5. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Archie's last stop. He heard some Guardians talking about "the place where we reclaimed the Light" and some cool floating rocks there.

6. Where in the EDZ Is Archie?

Return to Ada-1 in the Annex of the Tower.
10 Trophy of Bravery
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