Exotic / Warlock / Arms / Gauntlets

New growth rises from the old.

Exotic Armor Focusing

Exotic Perks

One with the Void

One with the Void

Your Void Souls have a longer duration. They also gain escalating damage and durability as they defeat targets. You can retrieve your Void Souls by interacting with them, allowing them to be redeployed.

Community Research

Void Souls last 5 seconds longer and can be retrieved by interacting with them. Retrieving them grants 'Void Soul Ready' for 25 seconds, allowing it to be redeployed while keeping its Kill Bonuses.

Void Soul Kills increase their damage and Damage Resistance, maxing out after 6 Kills:
• 16.6%|33.3%|50%|66.67%|83.3%|100% increased Void Soul damage with 1|2|...|6 Kills
• 8.3%|16.7%|25%|33.3%|41.7%|50% increased Void Soul Damage Resistance

If multiple Void Souls tether the same enemy, they will each deal the damage of the first Soul to do so.
Last Updated 2024-05-15

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New growth rises from the old.

The vines coiled and twisted up her arm, blooming their deep purple as they settled over her glove. She flexed her fingers and felt the thorns at her wrist.

The Thralls ran towards her, their claws outstretched. Her Void Soul shimmered into being as she stood her ground. She fired her weapon and the Void Soul fluttered towards them, reaching out with its dark web of Light as it weakened and drained the life from the Thralls. They fell one after another—then the Acolytes advanced.

She sprinted towards the Void Soul. The delicate tendrils on her glove unfurled. She could feel the faint call, the scent, the color that drew the eye. The Void Soul was drawn to her as she to it.

She raised her weapon and fired again.

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