Exotic / Hunter / Legs / Leg Armor

"Hey, if it works for computers…" —Marcus Ren

Source: Exotic engrams; extremely rare world drops.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Added in Season 3

Exotic Perks

Rapid Cooldown

Rapid Cooldown

Increased grenade, melee, and dodge regeneration while sprinting. Dodging increases your sprint speed.

Community Research

Class Ability usage grants 6.25% increased Sprint Speed for 10 seconds. Duration is not refreshable.

Sprinting grants the following benefits:
• 100% [PVP: 200%] Additional Base Class Ability Regeneration Rate
• PVE: Grenade and Melee Ability Regeneration Rate is doubled
• PVP: 100% Additional Base Grenade and Melee Regeneration Rate

(Multiplicative Ability Regeneration Rate increase in PVE is applied after all additive Ability Regeneration Rate modifiers)
Last Updated 2024-05-15

Related Collectible



"Hey, if it works for computers… " —Marcus Ren

"Marcus, these are incredible!"
"What did I tell you? I call these bad boys the Fr0st-EE5."
"Um, come again?"
"Just call them the Frosties."
"Whatever they're called, I love them. It felt like my entire body became supercharged while running."
"Glad you like them. I still have a couple of kinks to work out, but when that's over…"
"A couple of kinks?"
"Well sometimes—and I mean very rarely—the Energy Transfer Capacitors can overheat and explode during the user's sprint. That only happens 2% of the time or something."
"Wait, you sent me on that field test knowing this?"
"I don't see the issue here."
"I'm telling Sloane."
"Whoa, Boaz, let's not get hasty. I'll make it up to you with some sparrow mods."
"You can't buy me off— Wait, which mods are we talking about here?"

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