Legendary / Quest Step

Visit Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

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Let's Go

Part of Quest "Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?"

1. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Visit Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome to ask about Archie's whereabouts.

2. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Archie heard rumors about a "cave full of loot."

3. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Archie wanted to scope out the complex where we held off the Hive and re-established communication with lost colonies across the system.

4. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Archie heard about a place where freshly-risen Guardians used to sneak past danger to hang out in front of an old bunker door beyond the Shores.

5. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Archie's last stop. He wanted to find a ship of his own to take back to the Last City.

6. Where in the Cosmodrome Is Archie?

Return to Ada-1 in the Annex of the Tower.
10 Trophy of Bravery
Trophies of Bravery symbolize your Guardian's dedication to protecting huma...
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