Leg Armor

Projetadas para a execução da justiça de forma impecável em um mundo nada justo.

Fonte: Engramas Exóticos; itens de obtenção extremamente rara.

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This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Added in Season 8

Exotic Perks

Coldre Mecânico

Coldre Mecânico

Recarrega submetralhadoras no coldre e permite que você as saque instantaneamente. Melhora seu manuseio e movimentação com submetralhadoras. Concede um benefício moderado ao atributo de eficiência no ar de submetralhadoras.
Mod de Otimização de Mobilidade

Mod de Otimização de Mobilidade

Mobilidade aumentada.



Curated Roll

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Designed for the seamless delivery of justice in an unjust world.

Peacekeepers once patrolled the City before the Red Legion's attack. They were Guardians, but their interest was in protecting our core, our home. Most understood the value in exploration, but the peacekeepers were old guard, born in the aftermath of the Iron Lords. They lived through the Faction Wars; bore witness to what damage internal strife could bring to a fragile society. They vowed to keep the factions in check and stood at the gates as our walls expanded and our city became a home.

Now, nothing remains of the order. Yet their legacy delivers a harsh truth: the Last Safe City was never truly safe.

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