Легендарный / Охотник / Классовые предметы / Hunter Cloak

"Пусть это станет посланием всем лже-Кабал, которых ты мне преподносишь. Они боятся тебя, но никогда не выкажут своего страха. А должны бы". — Калус, император Кабал

Источник: рейд-логово "Левиафан, Звездный шпиль".

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Equitis Shade Cloak
Added in Season 3

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"This serves as a message to all false Cabal that you have served me. They won't show it, but they fear you. They should." —Calus, Emperor of the Cabal

You've shown the Red Legion you fly my banner.

I know that when the time is right, I won't have to ask. You're on my side.

I see it when you relieve our foes of their skulls. When you embed those tiny, edged trinkets into their hearts. When you pierce them with your Light. And it is captivating.

But Earth casts no Shadow. Not yet.

When you're ready, you will be magnificent. A Guardian of Guardians. Shadow of Shadows.

I reserve the right to be last when the end comes, and for that, I need you with me.

You're so close.

—Calus, Emperor of the Cabal

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