Chest Armor

Llegará el día en que la Luz nunca se desvanecerá.

Fuente: Engramas excepcionales; objetos soltados extremadamente escasos.

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This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Wings of Sacred Dawn
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Tomo de estrella del alba

Tomo de estrella del alba

Al llevar Empuñasoles, apuntar las armas mientras estás en el aire te mantiene en suspensión por un breve lapso, reduce el temblor al recibir fuego enemigo y otorga resistencia al daño. Los golpes con el arma extienden la duración de este efecto y los golpes finales recargan tus armas solares con las reservas. Les otorga un gran aumento de efectividad en el aire a todas las armas.

Community Research

Aiming Down Sights while Airborne grants Tome of Dawn while on a Solar Subclass.

Tome of Dawn lasts 2.8 seconds and holds you in place midair. Weapon hits add ? seconds to its duration.

Tome of Dawn grants the following benefits:
• 50 Airborne Effectiveness
• 25% Flinch Resistance
• 15% Damage Resistance
• Weapon Kills refill the magazines of all equipped Solar Weapons from reserves
Last Updated 2023-08-22

Related Collectible


Alas del alba sagrada

There will come a day when the light will never fade.

The Parable of the Venging Fire, as interpreted by Pujari

A young Warlock travels to her mentor, seeking the truth of the Praxic Fire. A wildfire rages in a valley nearby. Her mentor points to the billowing smoke, saying, "This is the Praxic Fire. Go, and learn what you can."

And the student returns to her teacher, saying, "Master, the fire does not ask, the fire acts. That is the truth."

Her mentor laughs, and the flames leave the sky from the valley and surround the teacher, and the wind blows the smoke away.

The old Warlock, now wreathed in flame with great outstretched wings, says, "The heart of the Praxic Fire is the Warlock. Without the Warlock, fire does not ask or act. Be the fire, or be smoke on the wind."

The cowering student stands, her palms closing into fists.

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