Chest Armor

"Tú que buscas la forja: tu camino será largo, pero tu destino está más cerca de lo que crees". (Ouros)

Fuente: Engramas exóticos; objetos soltados extremadamente escasos.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Hallowfire Heart
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Horno solar

Horno solar

Mientras permaneces en un punto solar, las bajas solares crean un punto solar. Mejora notablemente la velocidad de recarga de tus habilidades solares mientras tu súper está cargada. Otorga una pequeña mejora a la estadística de eficacia en el aire de todas las armas.

Community Research

Passively grants 20 Airborne Effectiveness

While standing in a Sunspot:
Solar Kills create Sunspots at the target's location.

Grants 350% Additional Base Grenade and Melee Regeneration Rate if your Solar Super is Charged.
Last Updated 2023-08-26

Related Collectible


Corazón del Fuego Sagrado

"You who seek the Forge: your journey will be long, but your destination is closer than you think." —Ouros

"Commander, as best we can tell, they're all gone. Somehow the Legion found their outpost, and the Hunters say Centurions still hold the ruins. This was the last text transmission we got before the signal died."

"The fire burned within us. Not by choice, not because we sought the flame. But because there was no other way.

"When you stood before the Forge, there was no doubt. No fear. Not even anger.

"My order stood for generations. We held against the shadow, bearing a weapon that seared flesh and melted bone.

"And now we stand at the end. May history remember the Forge. Remember the Hammer. Remember the Sunbreakers."

—Ouros, Third and Final Empyreal Magistrate of the Sunbreaker

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