
Lo pillas, ¿verdad? ¿Quién querría unirse a uno?

Fuente: Engramas exóticos; objetos soltados extremadamente escasos.

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This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Knucklehead Radar
Added in Season 1

Exotic Perks

Sensores mejorados

Sensores mejorados

Proporciona radar mientras apuntas. Mejora la resolución de tu radar si te agachas. Marca visualmente a los objetivos. Causa más daño a los objetivos con poca salud resaltados. Otorga una pequeña mejora a la estadística de eficacia en el aire de todas las armas.

Community Research

Passively grants 20 Airborne Effectiveness and Radar remains active while Aiming Down Sights.

Crouching grants Enhanced Radar (6⁠🠚⁠12 sectors)

Hovering your reticle near enemies for 1 second marks them for 5 seconds. Marks are visible through walls.

If an Enemy is below 30% Health:
Increases all outgoing damage against them by 1% for every percentage point below 30%.
(10% HP left 🠚 20% increased damage)

PVE Combatant and Player Shields do not count as Health.
Last Updated 2024-04-27

Related Collectible


Radar de Zopenco

You can see the point, right? Who wants to team up with one?

"If you were rich, what would you do with all your money?"
"Uh… I dunno. Maybe start my own business. Be some kinda bounty hunter."
"What you mean, bounty hunter? We got thousands of Guardians running around, bounty-hunting anything that moves!"
"Nuh-uh! That's all just sport. Them Awoken out in the Reef, I figure they might pay me to hunt folks down. And I got a secret. It's gonna gimme a real leg up on all them Guardians who come to copycat me when they see what a good idea I got."
"Yeah? What is it?"
"This Hunter, she sold me a visor that lets you find all the stupid enemies in a crowd. Called it 'knucklehead radar' or something like that."
"Huh. How's it work?"
"Couldn't tell ya."

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