
La luce delle stelle ti guiderà. Il vuoto spaziale non potrà contenerti.

Fonte: Engrammi esotici; oggetti ottenibili molto raramente.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Celestial Nighthawk
Added in Season 8

Exotic Perks

Falconeria celeste

Falconeria celeste

I colpi di grazia precisi riducono il tempo di recupero della tua super. Modifica Pistola d'oro in modo che spari un colpo singolo dai danni elevati. I bersagli sconfitti con questo colpo ti conferiscono energia della super ed esplodono.
Modifica rinforzo in plastacciaio

Modifica rinforzo in plastacciaio

Resilienza aumentata.



Curated Roll

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Falconotte Celestiale

Starlight is your guide. No vacuum will contain you.

I'm on the ground, half inside Mav's Ward. Lucky for me, it's my head that's half in. The stars over my head are going out one at a time, but that could just be Taken goo blocking my sight.

This giant one-eyed nightmare we woke up is real unhappy to see us. This wasn't the plan—we just came here to rob him.

Luna's dry. The 'horn's dull. Mav's either laughing, or screaming for her life spraying lead everywhere. She's floating past Psions that won't stop splitting. STOP SPLITTING.

We're almost out of time. We have one shot.
So I pull out the bird and give this sucker the finger.
One red-hot glowing finger.

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