귀신 조끼

Chest Armor

"여행자가 날 다시 불렀다. 여기서 내 일이 아직 끝나지 않았다더군." —성도 흰발톱

출처: 매우 희귀한 월드 전리품인 경이 엔그램.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Gwisin Vest
Added in Season 4

Exotic Perks

떠도는 암살자

떠도는 암살자

은신하기 전에 스펙트럼 칼날 능력으로 적을 처치하면 궁극기 에너지가 더 많이 회복됩니다.

Community Research

While in Spectral Blades:
Refunds Super Energy on Heavy Attack based on the number of Spectral Blade Kills.

Super Energy Refund after 1|2|3|4|5+ kills:
[PVE] 11.1% | 14.3% | 16.5% | 16.9% | 17.1%
[PVP] 8.3% | 12.5% | 14.2% | 15.8% | 16.7%
Last Updated 2023-03-14

Related Collectible


귀신 조끼

"The Traveler called me back. Told me my work on this side isn't done yet." —Seong-Do Whiteclaw

There is no self to kill;
There is no end to life.
The choices were made by someone else;
The one who was who we were.
We return, estranged, to act on them.
We must stay unseen, like the ghosts we are:
Take flight from the sun of living folk.
Take the Ghost you were given—
End the cycle that gave you birth;
End those who killed you first.

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