태양정점 투구(장엄)


2021년 지점 기간:
- 유럽 상공 지역(EAZ)에서 보스가 소환되기 전에 미니보스를 5명 처치하세요.
- 원소 보주를 획득하세요.
- 전투원을 빠르게 처치하세요.

출처: 지점

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태양정점 투구(장엄)

Today I witnessed a Human mating ritual that I had only seen tangentially referred to in the Techeun archives. It involves two Humans pressing their intake orifices against each other. It is most often brief, but more advanced forms involve the use of their mastication organs, and the exchange of the mild digestive secretions.

I witnessed two young adults touching orifices in this manner for some time. They were quite enthralled by it, and proceeded for several minutes, stopping only when they noticed me taking notes.

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