불사조 프로토콜

Chest Armor

별이 사라진다고 슬퍼하지 말지어다. 별 하나가 사라지면 새 별이 생길지니, 바퀴는 다시 돌아간다.

출처: 매우 희귀한 월드 전리품인 경이 엔그램.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
Phoenix Protocol
Added in Season 8

Exotic Perks

전투 벽난로

전투 벽난로

자신의 빛의 샘 안에 서 있는 동안 적을 처치하고 아군을 지원하면 궁극기 에너지가 반환됩니다.
기동성 향상 개조 부품

기동성 향상 개조 부품

기동성이 증가합니다.



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불사조 프로토콜

Do not grieve the dying star. Its death kindles newer life, and thus the wheel turns again.

"Warlocks are edging in on Titan territory, I tell you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first I started losing fistfights with them in the Crucible. That's an affront to everything Titans stand for. If Wei-Ning were here, she'd die of shame!"

"I'm sure she'd be thrilled, honestly."

"That's beside the point. This thing with the fancy rift? It's basically Ward of Dawn."

"It doesn't block ballistics."

"But it does everything else! It's the same thing as the Ward we had before the Red Legion! It's outright plagiaristic!"

"It doesn't blind people either."

"Won't you just let me have my outrage?"

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