Exótico / Titã / Capacetes / Helmet

Encouraçado Craniano Sigma-ÁCCIO-IX CÂMARA CEREBRAL (Tipo Invencível)

Fonte: Engramas Exóticos; itens de obtenção extremamente rara.

Duplicate Warning

This item appears to be a duplicate in the Bungie API. Be sure to check the other versions:
An Insurmountable Skullfort
Added in Season 8

Exotic Perks

Matriz de Transfusão

Matriz de Transfusão

Baixas com habilidades corpo a corpo de arco acionam regeneração de vida e restauram energia de corpo a corpo.
Mod de Otimização de Mobilidade

Mod de Otimização de Mobilidade

Mobilidade aumentada.


Resiliência 10
Recuperação 10

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Related Collectible


Um Crânio Insuperável

BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-IX Cranial Dreadnought (Invincible Type)

Hello. We understand you require Real-Time Combat Instructives.

This is a BRAINVAULT Sigma-ACTIUM-X Cranial Dreadnought (Invictus Type). It is a fortress for your skull. Your skull is now a mighty bastion. You can break anything with your skull. The only limit is your spine. Relax. The lights will speak for you. Your hands are your eyes now. Look around. You find hand-to-hand combat relaxing. The lights will attract the enemy. Help them to relax as well. You will feel the effect of a CAREGRAVER Gamma-LYSANDER-IV Health Enforcer (Frontline Variant). Your enemies do not have a skull fortress. Their skulls are like meadows. Play in the meadows. Gather the flowers from the meadows. Gather them with electrokinetic trauma. Smell the flowers. Isn't that nice?

You are safe in your skullfort.

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